



    Frik, pedant, schoolvos




    Thursday 21.03.2019, 19:00

    22.03 — 10.05.2019

    BOEKS reading group #01 (Masereelzaal)
    30.04.2019, 18:30

    Film night (KASKcinema)
    09.05.2019, 20:00

    Scenography by Joris De Rycke





    Editors ’t Verzetje Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2019: Sébastien Conard, Jan Op de Beeck, Frank Vande Veire, Erwin Wittevrongel
    Graphic design: Erwin Wittevrongel
    26 x 18 cm
    102 p.
    Edition of 150
    Texts in Dutch
    Publisher: ’t Verzetje, 2019
    Printer: Dunant Print, Ghent

    The publication is for sale at Kunstenbibliotheek (€15 / €7 for students).


    Frik, pedant, schoolvos will be presented on Thursday 21 March 2019 within the context of BOEKS 03. The visual artist and art teacher Joris De Rycke takes care of the scenography and the design of this third edition of BOEKS. In the corridor, De Rycke presents a personal interpretation of the book in the form of a spatial intervention. Text, image, colour, and directions in space and on the page come together in a series of screen-printed panels.

    Frik, pedant, schoolvos is the first issue of the new periodical 't Verzetje, which is the first of a series publications in which several aspects of art education will be pondered. In the words of the editors Sébastien Conard, Jan Op de Beeck, Frank Vande Veire & Erwin Wittevrongel:

    "Frik, pedant, schoolvos offers some perspectives on (higher) art education. It collects a number of essays, text fragments and images into a particular approach to various aspects of teaching and the teaching profession. Looking back over the editing process, we could put it this way: what better place to start than ourselves, our singular view of teaching, the insights into teaching developed by each of us art teachers over the years?

    The contributions in the first issue start from the specific experiences, views and preferences of the members of the editorial staff. Among other things, Frik, pedant, schoolvos tackles the notion of ‘transference’, focuses on the neoliberal impact of decree-determined ‘reforms’ of part-time art education, traces the ‘taboos around the teaching profession’, reflects on theory, practice and research, and probes the unforeseeable margins of what ‘teaching’ actually is.”

    An invitation to join the discussion!

    On the occasion of this presentation, BOEKS will form its own reading group and editorial staff, which will seek discussion on the theme of art education. During the course of the project, this editorial staff will meet behind the scenes of the BOEKS corridor. At first instance, the meetings will lead to a first reading group (30/05/19) and a concluding film night with aftertalk at KASKcinema (09/05/19).

    You can also take part in the discussion with a written contribution. This can either be a text you write yourself or an existing text that seems interesting to share in this context.

    Please send your contributions to

    The texts published in the book Frik, pedant, schoolvos are added below (all in Dutch), with new textual contributions added along the way. This series of texts form the basis for discussion and raise questions, the starting point of this initiative.

    Echoing the quote from the book from artist and teacher Luciano Fabro: we look forward to seeing new fruits grow, both heavy and light ones, on branches with surprising bends.

    We would love to hear from you!

    “But then what does it mean to say: there is no time, no place, not a thing, we no longer have time, places or things? According to us, statements such as these not only signal that every-thing and every time and space tends to be occupied, but also that there is or can be time, space and matter that are not occupied. And for that we simply want to reserve the notion ‘school’. Perhaps today, especially today when it seems to be disappearing, we still remember what it is to have free time.

    School is literally a place of ‘scholè’, that is the space of ‘free time’. Originated in the Greek world, school was disconnected from both the ‘oikos’ and ‘polis’, and hence freed from daily, economic and political occupations, the school was a real space, with a real inner place and time, where people were exposed to real things.”

    Once Upon a Time There Was a School

    BOEKS reading group #01
    Masereelzaal (Louis Pasteurlaan 2)
    Tuesday 30.04.2019, 18:30

    For this first BOEKS reading group, we will collectively read and discuss the text “School - A Matter of Form” by Maarten Simons en Jan Masschelein.

    Download PDF

    Rsvp via

    Photos: Rachel Gruijters

    3 x Kunstonderwijs
    (Jef Cornelis, 1987, 63’)


    Film night and talk in cooperation with KASKcinema
    Thursday 9 May 2019, 8 p.m.
    (All in Dutch)

    The film programme we are organizing within the framework of this theme features the television documentary 3 x Kunstonderwijs, by means of which director Jef Cornelis engaged in the art-educational debate as early as 1987. Even today, this historical document provides us with an interesting topic of conversation.

    For 3 x Kunstonderwijs, Jef Cornelis’s fourteen-member television crew invited itself to three art schools: the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and the National Higher Institute (which was then still located on the site of the Royal Academy), and the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas in Brussels. In each institution three days were spent with a group of three artists, three art theorists, three art dealers, and three curators. The aim of their conversations with teachers, students and directors is to highlight and question the structure, the dynamics and the role of an educational art institute: “What is being done? How is it done? And why is it done?”

    The advertising slogan “Am I da Vinci?” on the school façade is countered by classroom statements such as “you make do with what you have”, “it’s just education” or “what a pity that only one professor overlooks everything, both the pots and pans and the conceptual stuff”.

    After the screening, we turn our attention to today’s art schools and return to the same questions from a contemporary perspective.

    KASKcinema, BOEKS and ’t Verzetje would be 3 x glad to welcome you!


    a collection of texts, gathered by BOEKS during and after all the above
    coming soon



     p.00Letters, memos, notes and rules for…

     p.00Thoughts and reflections on…

     p.00Learning how to…

     p.00Teaching and manifest to…

     p.00...Young Artists







    Frik, pedant, schoolvos




    Thursday 21.03.2019, 19:00

    22.03 — 10.05.2019

    BOEKS reading group #01 (Masereelzaal)
    30.04.2019, 18:30

    Film night (KASKcinema)
    09.05.2019, 20:00

    Scenography by Joris De Rycke





    Editors ’t Verzetje Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2019: Sébastien Conard, Jan Op de Beeck, Frank Vande Veire, Erwin Wittevrongel
    Graphic design: Erwin Wittevrongel
    26 x 18 cm
    102 p.
    Edition of 150
    Texts in Dutch
    Publisher: ’t Verzetje, 2019
    Printer: Dunant Print, Ghent

    The publication is for sale at Kunstenbibliotheek (€15 / €7 for students).


    Frik, pedant, schoolvos will be presented on Thursday 21 March 2019 within the context of BOEKS 03. The visual artist and art teacher Joris De Rycke takes care of the scenography and the design of this third edition of BOEKS. In the corridor, De Rycke presents a personal interpretation of the book in the form of a spatial intervention. Text, image, colour, and directions in space and on the page come together in a series of screen-printed panels.

    Frik, pedant, schoolvos is the first issue of the new periodical 't Verzetje, which is the first of a series publications in which several aspects of art education will be pondered. In the words of the editors Sébastien Conard, Jan Op de Beeck, Frank Vande Veire & Erwin Wittevrongel:

    "Frik, pedant, schoolvos offers some perspectives on (higher) art education. It collects a number of essays, text fragments and images into a particular approach to various aspects of teaching and the teaching profession. Looking back over the editing process, we could put it this way: what better place to start than ourselves, our singular view of teaching, the insights into teaching developed by each of us art teachers over the years?

    The contributions in the first issue start from the specific experiences, views and preferences of the members of the editorial staff. Among other things, Frik, pedant, schoolvos tackles the notion of ‘transference’, focuses on the neoliberal impact of decree-determined ‘reforms’ of part-time art education, traces the ‘taboos around the teaching profession’, reflects on theory, practice and research, and probes the unforeseeable margins of what ‘teaching’ actually is.”

    An invitation to join the discussion!

    On the occasion of this presentation, BOEKS will form its own reading group and editorial staff, which will seek discussion on the theme of art education. During the course of the project, this editorial staff will meet behind the scenes of the BOEKS corridor. At first instance, the meetings will lead to a first reading group (30/05/19) and a concluding film night with aftertalk at KASKcinema (09/05/19).

    You can also take part in the discussion with a written contribution. This can either be a text you write yourself or an existing text that seems interesting to share in this context.

    Please send your contributions to

    The texts published in the book Frik, pedant, schoolvos are added below (all in Dutch), with new textual contributions added along the way. This series of texts form the basis for discussion and raise questions, the starting point of this initiative.

    Echoing the quote from the book from artist and teacher Luciano Fabro: we look forward to seeing new fruits grow, both heavy and light ones, on branches with surprising bends.

    We would love to hear from you!

    “But then what does it mean to say: there is no time, no place, not a thing, we no longer have time, places or things? According to us, statements such as these not only signal that every-thing and every time and space tends to be occupied, but also that there is or can be time, space and matter that are not occupied. And for that we simply want to reserve the notion ‘school’. Perhaps today, especially today when it seems to be disappearing, we still remember what it is to have free time.

    School is literally a place of ‘scholè’, that is the space of ‘free time’. Originated in the Greek world, school was disconnected from both the ‘oikos’ and ‘polis’, and hence freed from daily, economic and political occupations, the school was a real space, with a real inner place and time, where people were exposed to real things.”

    Once Upon a Time There Was a School

    BOEKS reading group #01
    Masereelzaal (Louis Pasteurlaan 2)
    Tuesday 30.04.2019, 18:30

    For this first BOEKS reading group, we will collectively read and discuss the text “School - A Matter of Form” by Maarten Simons en Jan Masschelein.

    Download PDF

    Rsvp via

    Photos: Rachel Gruijters

    3 x Kunstonderwijs
    (Jef Cornelis, 1987, 63’)


    Film night and talk in cooperation with KASKcinema
    Thursday 9 May 2019, 8 p.m.
    (All in Dutch)

    The film programme we are organizing within the framework of this theme features the television documentary 3 x Kunstonderwijs, by means of which director Jef Cornelis engaged in the art-educational debate as early as 1987. Even today, this historical document provides us with an interesting topic of conversation.

    For 3 x Kunstonderwijs, Jef Cornelis’s fourteen-member television crew invited itself to three art schools: the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Ghent, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp and the National Higher Institute (which was then still located on the site of the Royal Academy), and the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas in Brussels. In each institution three days were spent with a group of three artists, three art theorists, three art dealers, and three curators. The aim of their conversations with teachers, students and directors is to highlight and question the structure, the dynamics and the role of an educational art institute: “What is being done? How is it done? And why is it done?”

    The advertising slogan “Am I da Vinci?” on the school façade is countered by classroom statements such as “you make do with what you have”, “it’s just education” or “what a pity that only one professor overlooks everything, both the pots and pans and the conceptual stuff”.

    After the screening, we turn our attention to today’s art schools and return to the same questions from a contemporary perspective.

    KASKcinema, BOEKS and ’t Verzetje would be 3 x glad to welcome you!
